Amanda’s International Role
IAAPA Names Officers and New Board Members for 2019
IAAPA has named Amanda Thompson the managing director of Blackpool Pleasure Beach as the organisation’s vice chairman of the board for 2019 and will ascend to Chair the global attractions industry in 2020.
Amanda will be the third woman in IAAPA’s 100 year history to lead the organisation, the first one from Europe and marks the first time a second member of the same family has chaired the association. A third-generation attractions industry leader and a long-time IAAPA volunteer, it is this coupled with her passion for the industry make her the right leader at the right time for IAAPA. The introduction of the 2019 officers took place today during the Kickoff Event at the association’s global conference and trade show, IAAPA Attractions Expo 2018, in Orlando, Florida.
Amanda currently serves as the managing director of Blackpool Pleasure Beach, a leading attraction in the UK. The attraction was established by her great-grandfather, WG Bean, in 1896, and has been in the family ever since.
On top of her work at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, in 1982 Amanda founded Stageworks Worldwide Productions, an entertainment company that produces shows around the world. She has also been involved with IAAPA for a number of decades, having served two terms on the IAAPA Board of Directors, while currently chairing the IAAPA Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) Regional Advisory Committee. In 2012 she was awarded an Order of the British Empire honor for her services to tourism.
Blackpool Pleasure Beach became the first IAAPA member outside the US when Geoffrey Thompson joined the association in 1935, paving the way for the association to become the globally recognised body it is today.
“It’s been a part of our family and our family business for so many decades that I am really excited for this opportunity to give back to the industry that I love. I want to ensure that IAAPA is the global association of our industry and that we support and serve our members in all regions. By being nominated to lead IAAPA in 2020 I hope to serve as a role model for the increasing number of young women leaders in the attractions industry.”