Hot Ice Casting Call
Show News
4 February/Posted by Admin
Calling all Figure Skaters, Stageworks World Wide Productions are casting for the World renowned Hot Ice Show at Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Hot Ice skaters are renowned for being some of the best professional skaters and are highly sought after when going on to perform in other shows.
We are especially interested in Sports Pair Teams and Ice Dance Couples.
Free Skaters:
Boys must perform all triple jumps and some quads.
Girls must perform all double jumps and some triples.
Good spinds and excellent edge technique are required by all.
Please send your Resume/CV/Video footage displaying technique and style along with a list of coaches, contact details, height, weight etc to:
[email protected]
All competitive skaters please state which competitions you have taken part in and your relevant placing.
Please note we retain your contact details for future seasons should you not be chosen this time. Should you wish not to be contacted in the future please notify us.